Vertical digital solutions for the lending sector
Finwave offers complete solutions for financial companies operating in the lending sector, in the vendor leasing, captive finance and banking markets.
Discover our solutions
Our solutions are modular and cloud-ready, based on workflows and are created using technologies recognized as standard at the banking and financial level.
We cover the entire spectrum of commercial, operating and compliance processes for end-to-end management of: finance leasing, rental, operating leasing and special-purpose financing.
Finwave operates with a consultancy-based approach, thanks to decades of experience in the sector and to its clients, which are some of the biggest players in Italy and abroad in the financial sector, and have chosen and successfully used our solutions.
Why choose Finwave?
- A single point of contact and a complete solution for all lending products
- Cloud-ready, technologically cutting-edge solutions to protect your investment
- The solutions are also offered with an SaaS / Cloud formula, with benefits including security, release times and reduced infrastructure costs (pay-per-use)
- Multidisciplinary approach able to facilitate integration with other contiguous or complementary business lines: Factoring, NPL, banking thanks to the adoption of specialized Finwave products
- Highly specialized skills in emerging technologies in the lending sector: blockchain, IoT (asset tracking), AI and Machine Learning (credit risk management)
Forward 3000 is a modular end-to-end leasing platform for the management of the entire operational and accounting process of finance leasing, rental and financing.
Main advantages:
- Multi-product coverage: rental, leasing, financing, dealer floor plan
- Multi-company and multi-channel
- Web-based and cloud-ready
- Complete coverage of financial broker and Banca d’Italia requirements
- Multi-Channel approach: operates on direct channels, via partners, self service
- Fully WEB solution, fully tablet/smartphone ready

Forward 3000 also includes a BPM which allows the application behavior to be differentiated at different company levels: company, product, channel, office, POS, single user.
This guarantees:
- That all activities are carried out by the operators in accordance with company best practice
- Smooth integration of a mixture of human interactions, validation of data and dialog with other company applications
- Process authorizations on the basis of the different user profiles
- Streamlining of processes, identifying the operating modes shared by multiple workflows and simplifying their structure
- Semnarea contractului și activarea
- Dezvoltarea unui plan de amortizare pentru active
- Managementul serviciilor
- Managementul comisioanelor
- Gestionarea modificărilor contractuale post-vânzare
- Rezilieri ordinare și anticipate
- Managementul garanțiilor
- Managementul activelor
- Securitizare
- Managementul construcțiilor/șantierelor (SAL)
- Contabilitate generală (bilanțuri și consultări), clienți (facturare, colectări, restanțe manuale sau automate din fluxurile SEPA CBI), furnizori (facturi, plăți, termene scadente), bănci (SDD, RIBA, efecte colaterale), active proprii
- Conformitate juridică și fiscală (TVA, impozite reținute la sursă)
Managementul trezoreriei - Proceduri de închidere (accruals/deferrals, amortizări, reevaluări...)
- Managementul securitizării creditelor (transferul unei părți din planul de amortizare)
Conformitate II.FF.
- Înregistrări AUI și trimiterea datelor SARA
- Format unificat și comunicare anuală
- Conformitate cu Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală (investigații financiare, Esterometro, decontări periodice de TVA)
- Raportare de supraveghere către Banca Italiei
- Risc operațional și de concentrare
- Procedură de simulare a riscului de credit
- Baza de date Registrul Central (CR)
- Regularizarea CR
- Măsuri anti-terorism
- Contribuții la baze de date externe (de exemplu, CRIF)
- Gestionarea completă a consimțământului pentru confidențialitate privind datele personale și relațiile
- Gestionarea perioadelor de retenție a datelor și dreptul de a fi uitat
- Profilarea utilizatorilor pentru accesul la funcții, sub-funcții, imprimare și exporturi Excel
- Jurnale ale responsabilului cu protecția datelor în cazurile de acces la datele financiare/economice ale clienților
Managementul Riscului
- Recunoașterea creditului
- Deprecierea creditului
- Calitatea creditului
- Colectarea creditului
Forward Next
This is the digital onboarding platform for rental, leasing and loans, which can be integrated with the back office and CRM already available in the company.
Its workflow engine allows for integrated management of all multi-channel and multi-product sales networks with differentiated workflow and co-branding thanks to Web-ID - KYC - Credit Bureau - e-signature.

- Offer & quotation
- Financial terms exception
- Integration with public databases
- Automatic pre-check on databases + scoring (optional)
- Integrated documentation management
- Integration with sales support
Contract Proposal
- Credit application
- Integrated document management
- Access to databases, document list/integration
- Identification for AML (Anti-Money Laundering) check (digital signature)
Credit Lines
- Framework agreements, credit limits, and terms.
Investigation and resolution (proposal and framework agreement)
- Data/document validation
- Integration with Credit Bureau
- Automatic pre-resolution (optional)
- AML (Anti-Money Laundering) check - bureau verification
- Matching credit/offer
- Exception management for resolution
- Credit granting
Contractual set
- Printing
- Digital signature
- Compliance storage
Reporting & Dashboard
- Offers
- Resolutions
- Contracts
- Volume reporting
- User profiles
- Sales network (hierarchy/dependencies)
- Types of assets
- List of ancillary services
- Automatic resolution rules
- Alerts and notifications
Rate cards
- Financial pricing
- Service pricing
- Fixed rate
- Variable rate
- Exception levels
Operetional Policies
- Marketing (Products and Services)
- Financial pricing
- Credit policy and exceptions
- Differential operational workflows
Forward Customer Portal
Forward Customer Portal is an app dedicated to clients, active 24/7, which offers a complete range of self-service functions for the leasing sector.

3D - Augmented Reality
- Augmented reality view of rental assets
- Identification of the asset and all relative information using the contract QRcode
- AR asset display in 1:1 scale
4D – Connected Leasing (IOT)
- Level of use of each individual asset and of the fleet, grouped by individual client
- Geolocation and driving/parking time
- Driving style
- Crash detection
- Fraud analyzer for checkson accident reports
- Eco emissions - ESG
- It is a 24/7 customer portal with a complete range of self service functions:
- Consultation of contract data for active leasing contracts, assets, payments, invoices etc.
- Possibility to make change requests in a structured and controlled manner
- Access to the request processing status
- It handles customer support requests, which have traditionally been dealt with via phone/email, in an organized manner, following a standardized, structured and verified approach
- Dedicated configurable rules manage the automatic notifications on the processing status for requests from/to clients
- The lifecycle of the support request is managed via workflows and push notifications
- It offers provision for mobile devices
- It is securely integrated with the operational back-office platform already in use at the company
- Clients can also log on with their digital identity
- It is a completely mobile ready IoS / Android app

Do you need advice?
Our clients are the protagonists: our solutions are totally customizable to your actual needs and requirements.
Contact us for additional information
We bring the future forward with our innovative digital solutions, to help you simplify the most complex operations.
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At Finwave, we don’t hire people based solely on their CVs. Education and experience are important, but so is the desire to gain new experiences and improve: we are looking for people open to challenges and ready to grow as part of a team. Explore our career opportunities and join the Finwave Group’s talent community!
Discover the Finwave experience
Case History
Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of companies.
Each project has had its own story – its successes, its goals, its main players.
Here are just some of them.

End-to-end platform for lending
The largest financial operator in Romania in financial and operational leasing with a market share of over 25%.
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End-to-end platform for lending: back office management
Leading financial institution in the asset finance market in the Benelux countries. It operates mainly through the bank branch channel with over 500 operating offices.
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End-to-end operational platform
Our customer is one of the top 3 global operators active in Vendor Finance, with an asset portfolio of over 36 billion euros and presence in over 30 countries.
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